Simulis Thermodynamics available in Russian

simulateur thermodynamique

The Russian customization of the user interface was done with ProSim’s partner, NTP Truboprovod.

Simulis Thermodynamics is ProSim’s calculation server for thermophysical properties and phase equilibria calculations on pure components and mixtures. It is available as a Microsoft Excel® add-in, a toolbox in MATLAB® or as a software component which can be easily plugged in to any other application requiring reliable and accurate thermophysical properties.


NTP Truboprovod is one of Russia’s leading developers of CAD/CAE software and databases for hydraulic and heat loss calculations and strength analysis of piping systems, vessels and apparatuses. The company promotes and distributes Simulis Thermodynamics in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. To facilitate the use of the software by these markets, ProSim, and NTP Truboprovod, translated the graphical users interface. From now on, the new version of Simulis Thermodynamics will be available in English, French and Russian.


Learn more about Simulis Thermodynamics…


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