Scientific Publications

Scientific Publications

Scientific papers, posters, event presentations,… your source for information about simulation, thermodynamics, bath distillation, batch reactor, computational strategy,…

Synthesis, experiments and simulation of heterogeneous batch distillation processes

I. Rodriguez-Donis, E. Pardillo-Fontdevila, V. Gerbaud, X. Joulia
Computers and Chemical Engineering 25 (2001) 799–806

Simulation Analysis of an Industrial Heterogeneous Azeotropic Distillation Column for Control, …

Marion Alliet Gaubert, Vincent Gerbaud, Xavier Joulia, Michel Pons
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research – September 2000

Non-equilibrium models for a multi component reactive distillation column.

David Rouzineau, Michel Prevost, Michel Meyer
EFCE Distillation & Absorption Working Party – Zurich (CH), May 2000

A two-stage methodology for short-term batch plant scheduling discrete-event simulation and genetic.

Ph. Baudet, C. Azzaro-Pantel, S. Domenech, L. Pibouleau
Computers & Chemical Engineering – Vol 22, Issue 10, pp 1461-1481 – 20 September 1998

Tools for Computer Aided Analysis and Interpretation of Process Simulation Results

Marion Alliet Gaubert, Xavier Joulia
Computers & Chemical Engineering – Vol 21, Supplement 1, pp S205-S210 – May 1997

A genetic algorithm for batch plant scheduling

Ph. Baudet, C. Azzaro-Pantel, S. Domenech, L. Pibouleau
CHISA’96 – Prague (CZ), August 1996

Optimal design of an isotope separation system

Laurence Boisset, Christian Latgé, Luc Pibouleau, Philippe Guittard, Serge Domenech
Fusion Technology, Vol 30 – December 1996

A discrete-event simulation approach for scheduling batch processes

Ph. Baudet, C. Azzaro-Pantel, S. Domenech, L. Pibouleau
Computers & Chemical Engineering – Vol 19, Supplement 1, pp S633-S638 – 11 June 1995


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