Scientific Publications

Scientific Publications

Scientific papers, posters, event presentations,… your source for information about simulation, thermodynamics, bath distillation, batch reactor, computational strategy,…

Vapour reactive distillation process for hydrogen production by HI decomposition from HI-I2-H2O…

Vapour reactive distillation process for hydrogen production by HI decomposition from HI-I2-H2O solutions
B. Belaissaoui, R. Thery, X.M. Meyer, M. Meyer, V. Gerbaud, X. Joulia (LGC-Laboratoire de Génie Chimique, UMR CNRS 5503, Toulouse)
Chemical Engineering and Processing – 47 (2008)

Optimizer as a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation

Martin Gainville (IFP), Pascal Roux (IFP), Alain Vacher (ProSim), Philippe Baudet (ProSim), Michel Pons (Michel Pons Technologie (for TOTAL)), Didier Paen (RSI)
AIChE Annual Meeting 2007 – Salt Lake City (Utah / USA), November 2007

S-I cycle simulation using ProSimPlus

Martin Roeb (DLR), Nathalie Monnerie (DLR), Jean-Marc Borgard (CEA), Giovanni Cerri (DIMI), Claudio Corgnale(DIMI), Stéphane Déchelotte (ProSim), Olivier baudouin (ProSim)
AIChE Annual Meeting 2007 – Salt Lake City (Utah / USA), November 2007

HYTHEC: Aims and first assessments of an EC funded project on massive scale hydrogen production…

HYTHEC : Aims and first assessments of an EC funded project on massive scale hydrogen production via thermochemical cycles
Alain Le Duigou (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA)), Ray Allen (University of Sheffield), Giovanni Cerri (Università degli studi – Roma tre), Martin Roeb (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt), Alfredo Orden Martinez (Empresarios Agrupados), Olivier Baudouin (ProSim)
16th World Hydrogen Energy Conference – Lyon (FR), June 2006

Feasibility of Heterogeneous Batch Distillation Processes

Ivonne Rodriguez-Donis, Vincent Gerbaud and Xavier Joulia
AIChE Journal, Vol. 48, No. 6, June 2002

Hydrogen isotopes separation by thermal cycling absorption process

D.Ducret, A. Ballanger, J. Steimetz, C. Laquerbe, O. Baudouin, P. Séré Peyrigain
Fusion Engineering and Design 58-59, November 2001

Heterogeneous Entrainer Selection for the Separation of Azeotropic and Close Boiling Temperature…

Heterogeneous Entrainer Selection for the Separation of Azeotropic and Close Boiling Temperature Mixtures by Heterogeneous Batch Distillation
Ivonne Rodriguez-Donis, Vincent Gerbaud and Xavier Joulia
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2001, 40, 4935-4950 – September 2001

Entrainer Selection Rules for the Separation of Azeotropic and Close-boiling Temperature Mixtures…

Entrainer Selection Rules for the Separation of Azeotropic and Close-boiling Temperature Mixtures by Homogeneous Batch Distillation Process
Ivonne Rodriguez-Donis, Vincent Gerbaud and Xavier Joulia
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2001, 40, 2729-2741- May 2001


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