Frequently asked questions about our license system, our software… If you don’t find the answer to your question, use our contact form.

License System

What types of license are available?

The license system integrated in most ProSim software is called ProSim License Manager. It allows different types of licenses:

“Trial” license: temporary license which is installed automatically with the software, and which can be installed only once on the same computer;

“Local” license (or standalone): license which allows the utilization of the software on a unique computer.

“Network” license (or client/server) (LAN or WAN): a license which can be shared among several users through a network. The software is installed on an unlimited number of computers and the license is installed on the server. The license manages a pre-defined number of simultaneous accesses.

The Network license can be “Borrowable”. The borrowing function creates a license (called “Borrowed”) for a specific user, on a specific computer. This allows the software to be used without being connected to the server. Borrowing a license reduces the number of possible simultaneous accesses on the network license by one unit.

What is a license?

A license is a file which provides the information required to authorize or deny the right to use a protected software. Each license is generated for a specific software and a specific computer. Consequently licenses can only be installed on the computer they were created for and there can be only one valid license per software on the same computer.

The license also refers to a company, a department or a user.

MUTS services

What are the MUTS services ?

Along with the software, Fives ProSim offers a large number of services that allow you to get the most out of the complete range of process simulation software.

MUTS services are included in the software contracts.

Maintenance: the correction of errors discovered that affect the performance, functionality or any other characteristic of the software.

Updates: the access to the new versions of the software that are released.

Training: training is organized around ProSim’s centers of expertise. Common issues are covered and illustrated with case studies and applications with one or several software. These sessions are also a great opportunity to interact informally with our experts and other software users. The training calendar and detailed agenda are available on the ProSim website. The MUTS program includes the level 1 training courses related to the software in the customer’s contract and that are organized by ProSim.

Support: remote assistance in the form of consultations, help, defect correction, advice and assistance on the installation, use and maintenance of the software. Support can be reached by email or phone or by using the Support contact form


How to contact the ProSim Support?

The Support team can be reached by email, phone or by using the contact form:

Contact Support

Labège – France
+33 (0)5 62 88 24 46

Philadelphia, PA – USA
+1 215 600 3759


Does BatchReactor take into account all type of reactions?

BatchReactor includes several pre-coded kinetic models for liquid, liquid-vapor and liquid-solid reactions. Biochemical reactions are also taken into account. It is also possible to define a user defined kinetic model. The connection between the user model and the software is done through a Dynamic Link Library.

How is a chemical reaction defined?

By a reactional scheme (stoichiometric coefficients), a kinetic model and its parameters. If you do not know the kinetic parameter values, BatchReactor can calculate these parameters from experimental data (concentration or calorimetric data).

What is the level of detail in the reactor description?

Several levels of detail are possible. You choose how much detail to enter based on the needed accuracy and time available. In the most detailed configuration, you can describe the vessel shape, type of agitator, heating/cooling system (partial pipes, jacket, external heat exchangers…) and the service fluid.

Simulis Pinch

Is Simulis Pinch a software?

Simulis Pinch is an add-in in Microsoft Excel™. The functionalities of Simulis Pinch are accessible in any Microsoft Excel ™ spreadsheet. Dedicated to process integration, Simulis Pinch allows any engineer to easily apply the pinch technology to find the best possible use of energy and water in industrial processes. Simulis Pinch makes it possible to find an optimum network (heat exchanger and/or water) that achieves the right compromise between investments and operating cost, to reach the target of energy or water consumption reduction.

In addition to its ease of use, having Simulis Pinch directly in Excel allows the user to perform any type of additional processing of data and results.


Can I test the software before acquiring it?

Yes it is possible under certain conditions. Evaluation versions are fully functional but with a limited thermodynamic library. No downloadable version of ProSimPlus is available on the Fives ProSim web site ; so you will need to get in touch with the Sales Department who will organize this for you.

Contact us to try the software


Is it easy to learn and use?

ProSimPlus use is very intuitive. Users who are accustomed to another simulation tool are surprised how easy to learn ProSimPlus is and how fast they can progress with the software.

ProSim also propose a serie of training courses to allow you to achieve more with the software. View the training calendar

Moreover, you are not alone with the software: the Support team is available to answer your questions.

What kind of process can I simulate with ProSimPlus?

ProSimPlus is a steady state simulator, that will represent continuous processes.
It is provided with extensive libraries of unit operations, component properties databases and thermodynamic models and therefore can be used in many different industries such as chemical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, oil, gas treatment, refining, specialty chemical.
It is also possible to add user defined unit operations and thermodynamic models to deal with specific applications and extend the application field. ProSimPlus can model complex systems (large flowsheet, with numerous recycling or hignly non ideal mixtures).

Do you have any examples of industrial processes created with ProSimPlus?

ProSimPlus is used in many different industries around the world. Here are a few examples of some common industrial processes. Customers have access to the software file in addition to the pdf of the example by connecting to the Support area of the website.

To view our application examples, click here

Can I add my own modules in ProSimPlus ?

Flexibility is a major strength of ProSimPlus. The user has several options to use private modules in the software. The choice will mostly depend on the complexity of the module and on your programming competencies.

The “Windows Script” provides a coding environment to create additional calculation operations (calls to external data, unit operations…). The module is coded in VBScript (a simplified version of Visual Basic).

The user can also create more complex modules in the form of external dll’s, in Fortran or other languages (please consult). The UTI module of ProSimPlus allows calls to this dll and integrates it into the process flowsheet just like any other standard module.

Thirdly, ProSimPlus is one of the few simulators that implements the “Unit” interfaces of the CAPE-OPEN standard. Thus, in the flowsheet, compliant unit operations from other parties (HTRI, gProms for example), can be used without any programming. Should you have an in-house module, Fives ProSim can encapsulate it in the required CAPE-OPEN interfaces and make it usable in ProSimPlus.

Last but not least, you can always ask Fives ProSim’s development team to integrate your calculation methods and models in the sofwtare. This type of project can produce an exclusive version of ProSimPlus (that you would be the only one to use) or an enrichment of the standard version of the software. 

When a problem occurs during calculation, how can I see where the problem comes from?

During the calculation, different colors show you if the unit operation that is under calculation has converged or not. At the end of calculation, if the simulation has not converged, the signs remain on the module(s) that failed. A red cross means that the convergence has failed completely, an orange signs means that it has converged but a warning is attached to it. You are invited to immediately open the module configuration window and in the Result tab, you will find the explanation. This explanation is also found in the Simulation Report, generated at the end of each simulation.

If you need any further assistance, contact Support.


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Une question sur nos logiciels de simulation et/ou services, contactez-nous.

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