Release Note April 2020

Industrial process Optimization Software. The latest version of the simulation software are available to our customers now for download from the Support web site

The latest version of the software are available to our customers now for download from the Support web site: access your Support area.
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ProSimPlus Environnement 3.6.14

ProSimPlus main environment for the software: ProSimPlus, ProSimPlus HNO3, ProSimPlus Energy, ProSim HEX.

  • The user can keep the simulation report open during a simulation (configurable option). This allows the user to focus on a part of the report and quickly see the influence of the modification of the parameters on the results.
  • New functionality allowing initialization of the tear streams of the process from the results of the previous simulation.
  • New toolbar for faster access to process features: update or delete links, initialization of tear streams from the results of the previous simulation, hide information streams and automatic numbering of streams.
  • Addition of a welcome panel with different shortcuts to examples, help files, videos …
  • New scripts :
    • Addition of the script PSPCUtils.vbs allowing the communication between an Excel® worksheet and the command line version of ProSimPlus (PSPC.exe) for the sharing of information I/O between the two applications,and the ability to run a ProSimPlus simulation from Microsoft® Excel® (refer to tutorial GS03 from ProSimPlus).
    • Addition of a function to filter special characters from access paths when saving files, in order to satisfy Windows® standards.
  • New scriplets :
    • Addition of a scriptlet to plot various diagrams (PV, TS, PH, …)
    • Scriptlet related to the generation of the specification datasheet of pumps: added the power of the pump to the specification datasheet.


ProSimPlus Standard 3.6.14

  • Generalized head exchanger, Plate and frame heat exchanger, shell and tube heat exchanger and “Kettle reboiler units: the calculation of the difference of the average logarithmic temperature (DTML) can now be carried out during calculation, so that it is available for optimization or additional calculations.
  • Simple reactor and Reaction tank units: addition of an option allowing the serial calculation of reactions defined by their conversion rate; improved printing of the module in the simulation report.
  • “CO-ProSec” and “CO-ProSim PHE” units:
    • Addition of internal specifications in the module (pressure balancing and imposed pressure drop).
    • Addition of an ECHA block (ECHA3) which can be juxtaposed with MORT or BAR type blocks.
  • Addition of thermodynamic consistency tests on certain modules in order to inform the user that the incoming streams in a module do not use the same thermodynamic calculator as the module itself and that the results may be significantly impacted.
  • Columns: it is now possible to delete any line in the objectives/constraints definition window.

ProSimPlus HNO3 3.6.14

  • The new ProSimPlus features above are also available in ProSimPlus HNO3.
  • Nitrous vapors condenser” unit: added the calculation of the minimum internal temperature deviation.

ProSimPlus Energy 3.6.14

  • Generalized head exchanger, “Plate and frame heat exchanger”, “shell and tube heat exchanger” and “Kettle reboiler” units: the calculation of the difference of the average logarithmic temperature (DTML) can now be carried out during calculation, so that it is available for optimization or additional calculations.
  • “CO-ProSec” and “CO-ProSim PHE units:
    • Addition of internal specifications in the module (pressure balancing and imposed pressure drop).
    • Addition of an ECHA block (ECHA3) which can be juxtaposed with MORT or BAR type blocks.
  • Addition of thermodynamic consistency tests on certain modules in order to inform the user that the incoming streams in a module do not use the same thermodynamic calculator as the module itself and that the results may be significantly impacted.


ProSimPlus ProSec 3.6.14

  • The new ProSimPlus features above are also available in ProSimPlus ProSec.


ProSim HEX 3.6.14

  • Generalized head exchanger, Plate and frame heat exchanger, shell and tube heat exchanger and Kettle reboiler units: the calculation of the difference of the average logarithmic temperature (DTML) can now be carried out during calculation, so that it is available for optimization or additional calculations.
  • “CO-ProSec” and “CO-ProSim PHE” units:
    • Addition of internal specifications in the module (pressure balancing and imposed pressure drop).
    • Addition of an ECHA block (ECHA3) which can be juxtaposed with MORT or BAR type blocks.
  • Addition of thermodynamic consistency tests on certain modules in order to inform the user that the incoming streams in a module do not use the same thermodynamic calculator as the module itself and that the results may be significantly impacted.


BatchColumn 1.4.32

  • New dynamic view of the simulation: possibility to follow various results during the simulation (flow, composition, temperature, volume…). The user can also navigate inside the simulation and rewind at specific times using navigation buttons. So it is easier to actively view the simulation results over time.
  • New report in Word format (docx): the user can generate a detailed and organized report in Microsoft Word format including tables, graphs and images.
  • Possibility to add a link (file, WEB address …) on the flowsheet or the scenario.
  • Increased the maximum number of collection tanks that can be used in a simulation.
  • Possibility to add comments for each operating step.
  • Addition of a welcome panel with different shortcuts to examples, help files, videos …

BatchReactor 1.4.32

  • Possibility to add a link (file, WEB address …) on the flowsheet or the scenario.
  • Increased the maximum number of collection tanks that can be used in a simulation.
  • Possibility to add comments for each operating step.
  • Addition of a welcome panel with different shortcuts to examples, help files, videos …


Simulis Reactions (core)

  • With the advanced mode available in Simulis Reactions, the user can import libraries of bioreaction kinetic models, among other things. These models can easily be modified and enriched in order to suit a wide range of reaction diagrams (refer to tutorial GS02 from Simulis Reactions).
  • Addition of a new reaction printing service.
  • VBScript new features:
    • Addition of a Repository variable to facilitate the management of units.
    • Added user parameters.
    • Addition of a standard script library.


Simulis Thermodynamics 2.0.33

  • Developments related to the thermodynamics of polymers:
    • Addition of a service to predict the properties of a polymer (intrinsic and temperature-dependent properties) from the breakdown into segments of the polymer.
    • Added the Sanchez-Lacombe equation of state.
    • Added two new mixing rules, “Song” and “van Krevelen” for the calculation of the liquid viscosity of mixtures containing polymers.
  • Calculation service:
    • Storage of the last type of calculation used.
    • New management of the title for the Y axis of the curves.
  • Possibility to publish a compounds database in SQLite format.
  • Addition of new functions (VBS, Add-in Excel, Toolbox MATLAB…) to calculate:
    • Polytropic exponent (GasN)
    • Humidity (relative and absolute)
    • Water content
    • Water dew line
    • Hydrate formation curve
    • Cricondentherm and cricondenbar
    • Composition of a wet gas from its humidity



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