Release June 2024

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  • When defining chemical reactions, the value of the reaction heat is displayed when it is calculated.
  • It is now also possible to export a thermodynamic calculators or calculator file (i.e., without chemical reactions). Among other possibility, this makes it possible to use the models set up in ProSimPlus in ProPhyPlus or in the Simulis Thermodynamics add-in in Excel.
  • When the user runs a simulation, a simulation progress window is displayed. It is now possible to display the simulation time of the different unit operations directly in this window by checking the corresponding box.
  • The ProSimPlus stream duplicator allows you to duplicate existing streams on the process.

    3 new options have been added to define the duplicated stream. The user can now directly define the flow rate in molar, in mass, or in volume basis. Volume basis is only accessible for single phase streams.

  • When the user wants to create their own modules or calculations, they can use a “Windows Script” module. It is possible to define parameters which will be used in the module itself or even in the simulation. In this example, the pressure is defined, and its name is given in the “Info” column. This name can now be used directly as presented in the following slides.

    The “OnCalculation” function is also now pre-filled (i.e. OnCalculation = True by default). As a reminder, this function allows you to display the module in “green” or “red” when the calculation is performed, it is a function which indicates the status of the calculation for this module.

  • Parameters defined in windows scripts are then accessible via their name when using tags on the flowsheet.
  • Likewise, during a case study, these same parameters defined in the windows scripts are also accessible using their name.
  • At the ProSimPlus tag level, the “Expert” mode allows the user to define their own functions or calculations to display on the flowsheet.

    The “Expert” mode is now pre-filled: the user only has to define a function or a calculation to return in the “ExpertTag” function.

  • 2 new functions « FillDigestateStream » and « FillAshesStream » were added to calculate the digestate and ashes streams, for the methanization reactor and the combustion unit respectively.

    If the treated load (for methanization) or the fuel (for combustion) are defined directly in the module with atomic compositions (percentage of carbon C, percentage of hydrogen H, etc.): these 2 new functions are used to fill the output stream with the calculated properties.

    These functions are accessible via “Predefined Scripts”.

  • A new scriptlet enables to remove the “copy” suffixes from modules and process material streams.
    To run the scriptlet, simply do a right-click on the flowsheet and then run the dedicated scritplet: “Remove copy-suffixes”.



  • The value of the reaction heat is displayed when it is calculated.
  • It is now also possible to export a thermodynamic calculators or calculator file (i.e., without chemical reactions). Among other possibility, this makes it possible to use the models set up in ProSimPlus HNO3 in ProPhyPlus or in the Simulis Thermodynamics add-in in Excel.
  • The ProSimPlus stream duplicator allows you to duplicate existing streams on the process.
    3 new options have been added to define the duplicated stream. The user can now directly define the flow rate in molar, in mass, or in volume basis. Volume basis is only accessible for single phase streams.
  • It is now possible to have two process feeds instead of just one for the nitrous vapor condenser.
  • When the user runs a simulation, a simulation progress window is displayed. It is now possible to display the simulation time of the different unit operations directly in this window by checking the corresponding box.
  • When the user wants to create their own modules or calculations, they can use a “Windows Script” module. It is possible to define parameters which will be used in the module itself or even in the simulation. In this example, the pressure is defined, and its name is given in the “Info” column. This name can now be used directly as presented in the following slides.

    The “OnCalculation” function is also now pre-filled (i.e. OnCalculation = True by default). As a reminder, this function allows you to display the module in “green” or “red” when the calculation is performed, it is a function which indicates the status of the calculation for this module.

  • Parameters defined in windows scripts are then accessible via their name when using tags on the flowsheet.
  • Likewise, during a case study, these same parameters defined in the windows scripts are also accessible using their name.
  • At the ProSimPlus tag level, the “Expert” mode allows the user to define their own functions or calculations to display on the flowsheet.
    The “Expert” mode is now pre-filled: the user only has to define a function or a calculation to return in the “ExpertTag” function.
  • A new scriptlet enables to remove the “copy” suffixes from modules and process material streams.
    To run the scriptlet, simply do a right-click on the flowsheet and then run the dedicated scritplet: “Remove copy-suffixes”.


  • The value of the reaction heat is displayed when it is calculated.
  • It is now also possible to export a thermodynamic calculators or calculator file (i.e., without chemical reactions). Among other possibility, it allows to use the models initially set up in BatchColumn within other software such as ProPhyPlus or Simulis Thermodynamics Excel add-in.
  • A new condenser operating mode is available. It is now possible to define a subcooling compared to the bubble temperature.



  • The value of the reaction heat is displayed when it is calculated.
  • It is now also possible to export a thermodynamic calculators or calculator file (i.e., without chemical reactions). Among other possibility, it allows to use the models initially set up in BatchReactor within other software such as ProPhyPlus or Simulis Thermodynamics Excel add-in.



  • A new correlation named correlation 119 has been added to represent the liquid density of pure compounds. This correlation is often used to represent the liquid density of water. The formulation of this correlation is shown at the bottom of this slide.
  • New parameters of the Soreide-Whitson equation of state (and Soreide Whitson modified by Chabab) have been added to represent the solubility of carbon monoxide in brine. These parameters are inspired by the results of the Chen and Trusler publication.
  • In the process of hydrogen production using an electrolyzer, it is important to purify the hydrogen leaving the electrolyzer by separating it from the electrolytic solution containing water and potassium hydroxide.
  • As a result, new parameters have been added to the e-NRTL model to represent the solubility of hydrogen in this type of mixture.
  • Finally, a new option has been added to name the CALCULATOR directly when it is created. This option is activated in the Simulis Thermodynamics preferences by ticking ‘Name a Simulis object on creation’.
  • Once this option has been selected, a new window appears when the CALCULATOR is created. This window allows you to name the CALCULATOR directly.



  • Cycle duration: now only the duration of the cycle, i.e., the frame “Final time” has to be specified. The frame “Delta”, i.e., the duration of the simulation of the module by itself, is automatically set equal to the “Final time”. Moreover, the checkbox “Dynamic” is also automatically activated.
  • Now, the choice “Molar” or “Mass” of the menu “Type of results” in the tab “Prints” impacts the basis of the concentration profiles. The choice “Molar” allows to have molar basis concentration profiles. The choice “Mass” allows to have mass basis concentration profiles.



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