Fives ProSim News
Chemical process simulation, Software updates, collaborations, company news…
36 articles
Simulis Thermodynamics available in Russian
The Russian customization of the user interface was done with ProSim’s partner, NTP Truboprovod. S...
Article published on 4 August 2013
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MEMOBIOL project
Predictive thermodynamic models for the molecules derived from biomass The development of bioresourc...
Article published on 4 August 2013
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Exergy calculations in ProSim’s environment
New features have been added to Simulis Thermodynamics, our tool for mixture properties and fluid ph...
Article published on 4 August 2013
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Founder of ProSim receives France’s highest award, the Legion of Honor
Bernard Koehret, founder of ProSim, receives France’s highest award, the Legion of Honor Toulo...
Article published on 23 January 2013
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