Minimization of water consumption

News - Minimization of water consumption - pinch method

Minimization of water consumption


ProSim invests in the “MINIMEAU” R&D project (Minimization of water consumption in agro-food industries by developing a combined approach integrating Water Footprint and Pinch methods). Most of methods and tools developed during this project will also apply to other industries.

The project is supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR) and its objective is to develop a set of decision support tools to rethink water networks in the agro-food industries with the goal to minimize water consumption. It will rely on the development of the water Pinch methodology and especially on its adaptation to multi-contaminant problems. Water Pinch will be strongly associated to the finest environmental impact assessment methods (Water Footprint and Life Cycle Assessment) to ensure that revamping propositions do not generate detrimental environment effects. This combined approach will be implemented in a software solution, together with adequate water treatment modules, providing operational decision-making tools for the economic actors.

This 4-year R&D project includes, in addition to ProSim, academic partners (AgroParisTech, IRSTEA) as well as several Agro-Industrial Technical Institutes (CTCPA, ITERG, ACTALIA, IFV) UNGDA and an innovation-technology center (CRITT Paca).


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