Fives ProSim talks about its 2024 training courses in process simulation

Formations ProSim sur la simulation des procédés

As every year, Fives ProSim organizes training sessions focused on its areas of expertise: thermodynamics, process simulation and optimization, modeling, and application development, with the goal of empowering users to gain autonomy when using simulation and optimization software.

Fives ProSim regularly offers inter-company training sessions at its expertise centers and also provides customized in-house training for companies. Whether to acquire new skills or enhance existing ones, these training programs are ideal. Common challenges are addressed and illustrated through case studies and practical application examples using our various software tools. These sessions also offer participants the opportunity to engage with our experts and explore innovative approaches for their process studies.

The training sessions dedicated to our process simulation software generated strong interest throughout 2024, with at least one session held for each of our software solutions. Additionally, Fives ProSim continued to offer remote training, meeting the expectations of clients seeking greater flexibility.

Key 2024 Training Indicators:

  • Attendance Rate: 92%

  • Participation Rate: 95%

  • Average Satisfaction Score: 4.80 out of 5

Active Trainee: A participant who attended at least two-thirds of the total course duration.

Attendance rate: Ratio of participants who attended the sessions to the total number of confirmed registrations.

Participation score: Ratio of active trainees to the total number of confirmed registrations.


Training Success and Achievement Scores in 2024:

Thermodynamic calculations in excel with Simulis Thermodynamics

Success and Objective Achievement Rate: 99.77%

Average Participant Satisfaction: 4.9/5


Thermodynamic Approach in process simulation

Success and Objective Achievement Rate: 97.92%

Average Participant Satisfaction: 5/5


Steady state processes modeling and simulation

Success and Objective Achievement Rate: 95.73%

Average Participant Satisfaction: 4.61/5


 Advanced steady state processes modeling and simulation

Success and Objective Achievement Rate: 100%

Average Participant Satisfaction: 5/5


Advanced process simulation and energy efficiency analysis with ProSimPlus

Success and Objective Achievement Rate: 100%

Average Participant Satisfaction: 5/5


Simulation of batch chemical reactors

Success and Objective Achievement Rate: 94.66%

Average Participant Satisfaction: 4.87/5


Simulation of batch distillation columns

Success and Objective Achievement Rate: 95%

Average Participant Satisfaction: 5/5


Simulation of nitric acid production units and nitrous vapor absorption

Success and Objective Achievement Rate: 87.45%

Average Participant Satisfaction: 4.62/5


Introduction to Simulis Pinch Energy and the pinch analysis

Success and Objective Achievement Rate: 100%

Average Participant Satisfaction: 5/5


Introduction to Simulis Pinch Water and the pinch analysis

Success and Objective Achievement Rate: 100%

Average Participant Satisfaction: 4.25/5


Customized training sessions

Success and Objective Achievement Rate: 96.22%

Average Participant Satisfaction: 4.54/5


On average, the training courses lasted 1.71 days. The longest sessions were customized, on-demand programs, while the shorter ones were scheduled inter-company sessions held either at Fives ProSim’s offices or remotely.

For more information about our training programs, contact us or visit our dedicated training page.



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