Energy efficiency

For most industrial plants, energy (steam, power, hot water…) is one of the significant costs of operation, after the raw materials. The strategy for the optimization of energy and water efficiency is a critical topic and simulation and optimization software have a key role to play to reach this goal.

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency

The industry has realized that improving the energy and/or water efficiency of their processes represents considerable potential savings.

Our expertise in the field of energy and water efficient processes and the tools we have developed in this area, allow us to work on many projects in this area. This software can generate significant gains with a very short return on investment (at most a few months).

The software ProSimPlus Energy has modules specifically dedicated to energy efficiency, and Simulis Pinch allows to analyse the energy or the water efficiency of a process and automatically proposes practical solutions for optimization.


Application Case:
Pinch analysis using the pinch technology
Exergetic analysis
Energetic audit
Water use diagnostic



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