Software licenses for Teaching purposes

Teach future engineers with the same software used by the industry today!

A major advantage that students can add to their chemical engineering curriculum!


Fives ProSim’s advantages:

Teaching and research process simulation and Engineering Software

  • Easy-to-use software in French and English.
  • Services included with the use of the software (Maintenance, Updating, technical assistance and level 1 training).
  • Several types of licenses available.
  • Tutorials delivered with the software.
  • A large library of application examples: the pdf document and the simulation file. These examples are very useful to gain some time and prepare the practical exercices for the class.



Thanks to their didactic side, we are convinced that the use of our software can enormously enrich the course by the hands-on training of students. These are the tools many students will later go on to use in their professional career. Hands-on experience with these types of software tools constitutes for them an undeniable asset in the labor market. Students trained with engineering simulation software are very quickly operational on any similar tool.

The role of the professor is also facilitated. Lectures on thermodynamics, unit operations such as distillation, heat transfer and chemical reaction, or more generally process design, are enriched by the use of powerful software which enables the visualization of the various phenomena and therefore leads to a clearer understanding of major concepts.

Students and teachers receive the same software provided to our industrial customers (complete and unlimited versions). Subscribers also fully benefit from our services of maintenance, update, training and technical support (MUTS Services).

Teachers have also access, free of charge, to our scheduled level 1 training sessions (see upcoming schedule and teaching content) related to software used.



The table below indicates the software available at preferred rates and conditions for teaching purposes.

Simulis Thermodynamics  mixture properties and fluid phase equilibria calculations (Add-in)
ProSimPlus  Simulation and optimization of continuous processes
ProPhyPlus  Thermodynamic properties and fluid phase equilibrium calculations
BatchReactor  Simulation of batch reactors and kinetic parameters fitting tool. 
BatchColumn  Simulation of batch distillation columns
Simulis Pinch  Water and energy savings in industrial processes
ProSimPlus Energy  Simulation and optimization for energy efficiency of steady-state processes


  • Fee for the first license (local or first network user) : 300 € per year
  • Fee per additional license (local or additional network user) : 70 € per year
  • Fee per “class” license (60 simultaneous network users) : 1000 € per year
  • Additional charge per “borrowable’ license (network) : 10 € per year


[ See the different types of license available ]



When purchasing software licensed for teaching purposes, the university commits to use the software solely for teaching its regular students and agrees not to undertake any research, study, or consulting service for third parties using the software, even if this is free of charge.

To register, it is necessary to establish an “Agreement” between Fives ProSim and your university. This agreement specifies the conditions of use of our software and the obligations of the parties.

Download the MS-Excel file and fill out the form. This form must be signed by an authorized representative of your university and then forwarded to us by email or mail.


Fixed-term license: In principle, the agreement runs over several years (between 1 and 12 years). The license expires at the end of this period and is not tacitly renewed. The license fee requested is payable only once, upfront, for the full period.
There is no escalation fee per annum when a Long-term license is chosen.

>> Fixed-term agreement to fill out Academic teaching - software license - chemical engineering process simulation



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