Software licenses for Academic Research purposes


Use process simulation software for your academic research projects.

Fives ProSim’s advantages:

Research -Process-Simulation-Engineering-Software

  • Easy-to-use software in French and English.
  • Services included with the use of the software (Maintenance, Updating, technical assistance and level 1 training).
  • Several types of licenses available.
  • Tutorials delivered with the software.
  • A large library of application examples: the pdf document and the simulation file.


Our software are powerful research tools allowing you to, for example, reduce the number of experimental tests, develop new models, validate a new approach or develop new concepts. For these reasons, ProSim’s family of products are used by many leading research departments to perform their research projects or to train young researchers. Researchers receive the same software provided to our industrial customers (complete and unlimited versions). Subscribers also fully benefit from our services of maintenance, update, training and technical support (MUTS Services). In particular, people in charge of research activities have access, free of charge, to our scheduled level1 training sessions (see upcoming schedule and teaching content) related to software used.

When purchasing software licensed for academic research purposes, the university commits to use the software only for academic research and to cite the source of the software in all publications on work conducted with the software. It is in particular forbidden to carry out any engineering study nor consulting service for third parties using the software, even if this is free of charge. Moreover, this program is limited to “academic” research centers and thus excludes any research center with industrial or commercial purpose.



The table below indicates the software which can be licensed for academic research purposes and the corresponding financial conditions. (Please note the additional charge for a borrowable license is 100 € per year).


SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION Amount per license (Excl. Tax)
Simulis Thermodynamics Mixture properties and fluid phase equilibria calculations (Add-in)   400 €/year
ProSimPlus Simulation and optimization of continuous processes   600 €/year
ProSimPlus HNO3 Simulation of nitric acid production and nitrous vapours absorption processes   900 €/year
ProPhyPlus Thermodynamic properties and fluid phase equilibrium calculations   600 €/year
BatchReactor Simulation of batch reactors and kinetic parameters fitting tool   600 €/year
BatchColumn Simulation of batch distillation columns   600 €/year
ProSim DAC Dynamic simulation of Adsorption Columns (gas/solid)   900 €/year
ProSim RBA Rate-based non-equilibrium model for simulating all types of multistage vapor-liquid fractionation operations   900 €/year
Simulis Pinch Water and energy savings in industrial processes   600 €/year
ProSimPlus Energy Simulation and Optimization for energy efficiency of steady-state processes   600 €/year



To register, it is necessary to establish an “Agreement” between Fives ProSim and the university. This agreement specifies the conditions of use of our software and the obligations of the parties.

Download the MS-Excel file and fill out the form.  This form must be signed by an authorized representative of your university and then forwarded to us by email or mail.


Fixed-term license: In principle, the agreement runs over several years (between 1 and 12 years). The license expires at the end of this period and is not tacitly renewed. The license fee requested is payable only once, upfront, for the full period.
There is no escalation fee per annum when a fixed-term license agreement is chosen.

>>Fixed-term annual agreement to fill out. Academic research - Fixed-term license - engineering process simulation


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