About Fives Group


Fives is an international industrial engineering group which has grown through various industrial revolutions to offer innovative solutions and products boosting the performance of major industry leaders worldwide.

Fives designs and supplies machines, process equipment and production lines for various industries: steel, aerospace and special machining, aluminium, the automotive and manufacturing industries, cement, energy, logistics and glass.

Based on a portfolio of proprietary technologies, Fives products and solutions anticipate the needs of industrial companies in terms of profitability, performance, quality, safety and environmental protection.

To optimize synergies and propose a more legible offer of its organization and services, the Group is organized around three Major Activities – High Precision Machines, Process Technologies and Smart Automation Solutions.

Fives ProSim is under the Process Technologies branch in the organization of Fives Group.




From the first railway lines to the Eiffel Tower lifts and factory 4.0, for over 200 years Fives has been designing the disruptive solutions and technologies that make up industry. As a pioneer of decarbonization and digitalization, Fives is always one innovation ahead thanks to its ability to anticipate customer needs. By responding to the specificities of each market locally, Fives combines economic and environmental performance in 25 countries thanks to its 8,500 employees.



Our innovation programs support the major technological changes underway, around hydrogen, decarbonization of industry, e-mobility, urban logistics, digitalization and cyber security.

Fives’ thorough knowledge of the industrial processes enables its team to respond to the challenges and optimize the operation of the facilities through environmental protection, flexibility, machine availability, quality of finished products.



Fives has been taking action for more than 20 years with three objectives to fight agains climate changes:

  • Reduce the envrionmental impacts.
  • Improve the energy performances.
  • Develop even more innovative solutions.



More information about Fives Group: https://www.fivesgroup.com/



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