About Fives ProSim


Fives ProSim Career job in chemical process simulation software and servicesSeek excellence – We are passionate about a job well done. We pay particular attention to the rigor, the quality of our services and the continuous improvement of the software that we offer to our customers.

Build to last – Whether with our clients, partners or team members, we seek to develop long-term relationships.

Collective play – We attach great importance to respect for people, loyalty, honesty and recognition of everyone’s contributions. We believe in teamwork based on trust, solidarity and reliability. We owe our success to the combination of everyone’s talents.

Create and innovate – We value creativity, innovation and inspiration. We promote the development of skills of all employees so that they can imagine, create and then provide the best solutions for our customers.

Be responsible – We constantly promote the spirit of leadership, courage, agility, responsibility, risk awareness and humility, based on mutual trust.

Be serious but fun – We take what we do to heart, and we work hard. But we also know how to have fun. We like to laugh, even at ourselves. Fives ProSim is a place where one should feel happy, positive and optimistic.


Expert in process simulation since 1989

Fives ProSim offers simulation and optimization software that enables process industries (that physically or chemically transform matter) to improve their operation, increase their profitability or reduce their environmental impact. The success of the company is based not only on the ease of use, efficiency, robustness or openness of the software offered, but also on the quality of the services provided around this software: great responsiveness of the support teams, very strong expertise, particularly in thermodynamics, in-depth knowledge of processes, etc. In addition, from its roots in research, ProSim has retained great rigor in the developments and studies carried out.

Fives ProSim is today at the heart of the two challenges that the industry must meet to remain competitive: the digital transition and the ecological transition. Whether it’s a digital twin that is talked about a lot in the context of the “factory of the future” or reducing the carbon footprint and energy transition, Fives ProSim offers the technological building blocks that are essential to build the high-performance tools necessary for “industry 4.0”.

The modeling of (continuous) matter and its physical and chemical transformations is complex. Compared to the modeling of (discrete) manufacturing processes, the complexity of the mater itself and the numerous phenomena to be taken into account to have a realistic representation, add a level of difficulty which means that very few players are able to develop relevant models. Fives ProSim is one of them.



Engineering services in process simulation From the end of the 1970s, the Functional Process Analysis team within the LGC Chemical Engineering Laboratory (UMR 5503, CNRS / INPT / UPS) at the National School of Chemical and Technological Arts in Toulouse (ENSIACET – National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse), directed by Professors Bernard KOEHRET and Xavier JOULIA has developed research work in the field of process simulation in the chemical industry. This work led, in the early 1980s, to the development of flowsheeting software based on a new approach. From 1984, some copies of this software were implemented in the industry, at the request of companies knowing the activities of this university research laboratory. These first implantations made it possible to demonstrate the interest of the products and the existence of a market. After this incubation period, and in order to meet growing demand, they founded the company ProSim (as a “Société Anonyme”) in April 1989, to give an industrial dimension to the products developed. They entrust the development of the company to the team which is still managing ProSim today. Since then, ProSim has established numerous partnerships all over the world with research teams of excellence in the fields of process modeling, thermodynamics, optimization … The company invests heavily in Research & Development, participates to several collaborative research projects, regularly finances academic theses, is a member of several competitiveness clusters … to provide you with the best possible tools.

The company’s headquarters are in Labège (Toulouse – France) which allows it to benefit from a very dynamic ecosystem. In 2011, a subsidiary was established in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania – USA) to address the North American market by offering the same quality of services. In addition to these two establishments, a network of representatives has been set up in several countries to ensure international coverage.

In September 2023, ProSim joined the international engineering group Fives and became Fives ProSim S.A.S.
With this move, ProSim establishes its activity for the long-term and accelerates its international development.



Fives ProSim develops innovative software solutions and offers a full range of applications with very solid positions in certain market segments:

  • A powerful continuous process simulation software in steady state, which allows to model a very wide range of processes, open and whose convergence efficiency is recognized;
  • A very complete thermodynamic properties calculation server which covers large areas and addresses several industries;
  • Unique solutions adapted to certain industrial sectors: production of nitric acid, modeling of batch distillation columns and chemical reactors, brazed plate fin heat exchangers, energy integration of processes by “pinch technology” …

In all cases software are easy to use because we know that very efficient software is useless if it is not used. Our software is designed to be used also by non-specialists and occasional users.




Personalized approach to each request, flexible offer for small and large projects, efficient and responsive services, Fives ProSim provides solutions adapted to your needs in process simulation and optimization:

  • Process studies using modeling and simulation: if you do not have the appropriate software (yet) or if you lack resources at a given time, we will take in charge your process study:
    • more than 600 services performed
    • services in the different stages of process development, from preliminary studies to optimization of operation.
  • Development of models of your processes and adaptations of our software so that they are perfectly suited to your needs
  • Development of software “on-demand” to cover your specific needs which would not be covered by “standard” software
  • Maintenance of your internal codes to perpetuate the knowledge of your company gradually accumulated in these legacy software.

The expertise and know-how of the ProSim teams cover large areas around modeling, simulation and process optimization: calculation of thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria, mass and energy balances on full processes, equipment sizing and costing, improvement of the energy efficiency (“pinch technology” …), chemical engineering, distillation, process intensification, etc.





chemical process simulation and optimization softwareThe competence, experience and responsiveness of ProSim engineers allow to guide you in order you to make the best use of the full potential of software:

  • Support: advice on the choice of thermodynamic models, search for missing data, resolution of process problems, assistance in the convergence of complex flowsheets, provision of “hints and tips “, etc. An adapted organization, a focus on service-to-users, competent staff on phone or e-mail exchange (with real know-how and long experience in simulation) allow to quickly provide a relevant answer to your questions.
  • Maintenance: the tools are constantly improved taking into account the needs of the users who are at the heart of the design of Fives ProSim products.
  • Training: “standard” inter-company sessions included in maintenance contracts or personalized sessions to go further on the different aspects of process simulation. Fives ProSim’s quality of service is unanimously recognized.

Associated services


references Worldwide

Fives ProSim is constantly gaining market share and today has more than 1,200 customers, including major players, in 75 countries around the world: operating companies, study and engineering firms or equipment manufacturers in the various process industries (chemicals and petrochemicals, gas and oil production, refining, energy… and many other fields). Beyond these uses in industry, a hundred universities around the world currently use Fives ProSim software in teaching and research. Today more and more companies are abandoning other solutions to switch to Fives ProSim, conquered by the quality of products and services as well as by reasonable prices and license policy. Fives ProSim has acquired know-how in supporting customers in their migration from another simulation environment to Fives ProSim tools (file conversion, support, carrying out specific developments, on-site assistance services for assistance with deployment, organization of training sessions, etc.). This is done smoothly and users realize that it is ultimately easier to switch from one simulator to another than they imagined. Users who come from other tools are often surprised by the ease of use of ProSim software. Fives ProSim is proud of the loyalty of its customers who understand that with Fives ProSim they have a long-term partner.




Fives ProSim offers particularly relevant products with prestigious references and a high level of expertise in many fields and more particularly:

  • pharmaceutical and fine chemicals
  • biobased products: chemicals from biomass, biorefineries, ethanol and biofuels
  • gas: cryogenics and gas liquefaction, gas compression, gas treatment and sweetening energy efficiency
  • effluent and waste treatment: treatment of gaseous releases, treatment of liquid effluents and regeneration of solvents
  • nitric acid and ammonia
  • nuclear energy: heavy water, separation of isotopes of hydrogen.

Fives ProSim has customers in practically all the process industries.




Behind the success of Fives ProSim are men and women. Since its creation, the company has regularly recruited talented people who have gradually enriched the team. The expertise and know-how of the ProSim teams cover broad fields including, process engineering, thermodynamics, modeling of physical and chemical phenomena, process simulation, energy efficiency, process intensification, optimization techniques, numerical methods or software architecture. The team thermodynamic skills are truly at the heart of Fives ProSim’s profession and are one of its key success factors. A company mainly staffed of engineers, passionate about what they do, focused on the needs of customers who design and develop tools for technicians and engineers who are interested in the technical aspects of their processes!



Administrative data:


Registration number: 350 476 487 RCS Toulouse
Registration date: May 9, 1989
Capital of the company: 147 800 €
APE code: 5829 C

Registered office:
51, rue Ampère
Immeuble Stratège A
F-31670 Labège

VAT Number: FR 10 350 476 487
SIRET: 350 476 487 00037
D-U-N-S® Number: 38 108 2049


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