Useful Links

Fives ProSim lists a number of websites in various areas of chemistry that may be useful to you:

Analysis and optimization of the performances of the processes

CODATA – Key values for standard enthalpy of formation and entropy
ETC – Petroleum Crude Oils Properties Database
FACT – Facility for the Analysis of Chemical Thermodynamics (Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal)
KDBWEB– Korean Thermophysical properties DataBank
NIST WebBook – Data collection of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
ThermoDex– Index of Selected Thermodynamic Data Handbooks

ACS – American Chemical Society
AIChE – American Institute of Chemical Engineers
ALPEMA – Brazed Aluminum Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger Manufacture’s Association
API – American Petroleum Institute
ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials
CEFIC – European Chemical Industry Council
CO-LAN – CAPE-OPEN Laboratories Network
DECHEMA– Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.
EFCE– European Federation of Chemical Engineering
EPA– The US Environmental Protection Agency
GPA – Gas Processor Association
GPSA – Gas Processor Suppliers Association
GRETh – Groupement pour la Recherche sur les Echangeurs Thermiques (thermal exchangers)
GRI – Gas Technology Institute
IAPWS – The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam
ICCA – The International Council of Chemical Associations
IChemE – Institute of Chemical Engineers
NIST – National Institute of Standards and Technology
NPRA – National Petroleum Refiners Association
OPC Foundation – OLE for Process Control automation alliance
PSIG – Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
SCI – Société de Chimie Industrielle
SFC – Société Française de Chimie
SFGP – Société Française de Génie des Procédés
TEMA – Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Asscociation, Inc.
UIC – Union des Industries Chimiques

ACS – American Chemical Society publications
CEP – Chemical Engineering Progress Magazine
Chemical Engineering – Chemical Engineering Magazine
Chemical Online – Chemical Online
Chemical Processing – Chemical Processing Magazine
Chemical Week – Chemical Week Magazine
Hydrocarbon Online – Hydrocarbon Online
Hydrocarbon Processing – Hydrocarbon Processing Magazine
Info Chimie – Info Chimie Magazine
Ingenieria Quimica – Ingenieria Quimica Magazine
Pharmaceutical Online – Pharmaceutical Online
Process Worldwide – Process Worldwide Magazine
Techniques de l’Ingénieur – Les Techniques de l’Ingénieur
The Chemical Engineer – The Chemical Engineer Magazine

ChemEngineer – Articles, annotated web links and discussion forum for chemical engineers
ChemFinder – Database and Internet Searching
ChemIndustry – The world-wide search engine of the chemical industry
ChemWeb – The world-wide club for the chemical community
CheResources – The Chemical Engineers Resource Page
ChIN – The International Chemical Information Network
ENSIACET – Mediathèque de l’ENSIACET
France Chimie – Le site portail de l’industrie chimique en France
IFP – Centre d’Information de l’Institut Francais du Pétrole
Karlsruhe – International Directory of Chemical Engineering


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