Founder of ProSim receives France’s highest award, the Legion of Honor

Bernard Koehret

Bernard Koehret, founder of ProSim, receives France’s highest award, the Legion of Honor

Toulouse, France – January 23rd, 2013. Following the decree of the President of the Republic dated April 6th 2012, Bernard Koehret, Professor Emeritus of the INP Toulouse, was awarded the Chevalier of the National Order of the Legion of Honor during a ceremony held on January 15th, 2013. Created by Napoléon Bonaparte in 1802, the Legion of Honor is awarded by French government to outstanding individuals.

In his speech for the occasion, Prof. Gilbert Casamatta (former President of the INP Toulouse and PRES-Université de Toulouse) described the eminent merits that have marked the career of Bernard Koehret. He emphasized in particular with the creation of ProSim with Xavier Joulia in 1989 (see text of the speech attached). After laying the foundations and the overall architecture of ProSim software followed by its constant improvement during his academic research career, Bernard Koehret is now director of ProSim SA and continues to get involved to ensure its continued success.

On behalf of the entire staff of ProSim, its President, Stéphane Déchelotte congratulated Bernard Koehret for this well-deserved distinction.




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