Process simulation to reduce water consumption in industrial processes

The Water Plan, launched by the French government a year ago, highlights the importance of reducing water consumption at industrial sites in France.

Fives ProSim has developed software solutions to determine the theoretical minimum of water used and discharges produced by the process, as well as the maximum of water theoretically reusable within the process. Simulis Pinch provides all the elements required for this phase of evaluating the potential savings available in a process. The results of the diagnosis can be visualized in various graphic forms (compound curves, large compound curve, etc.). Water diagnostics can be used to determine process efficiency by comparing current process consumption with theoretical minimums. The ProSimPlus steady-state process simulator can be used to model the process, study treatment solutions and quantify their impact on consumption.


Another article that can be of interest: The end of the ANR project “MINIMEAU” on water consumption minimization in the industry


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