Mixture properties and fluid phase equilibria calculations
Contrary to Simulis Thermodynamics which is an Add-in in Excel, ProPhyPlus is a stand-alone calculation software to run all the thermodynamic calculations. ProPhyPlus software performs fast, interactive, fluid phase equilibria and fluid properties directly from its own user-friendly graphical interface. ProPhyPlus is specifically for users who prefer an easy-to-use graphical user interface to set up and run their calculations.
Main features
Easy to learn and use software with an intuitive interface
Accurate and reliable calculation of transport and thermodynamic properties
Numerous rigorous flashes to calculate phase equilibria
Large databases of pure components properties and binary interaction parameters
Many services: experimental data regression, ternary diagram plotting, petroleum cut properties generation, residue curve maps…
ProPhyPlus is a software dedicated to thermodynamic calculations and is based on Simulis Thermodynamics, Fives ProSim’s powerful thermophysical properties calculation tool embedded in All Fives ProSim software.
ProPhyPlus is ideal to run thermodynamic calculation software.
It provides a Microsoft-Windows based interface that makes full use of the graphical and functional capabilities of the platform, allowing unmatched prediction, evaluation, analysis and use of high-quality physical properties.
ProPhyPlus also implements the standardized CAPE-OPEN interfaces (“Thermodynamic plug” and “Thermodynamic socket”). It generates “Property Packages” (compound package and adapted thermodynamic profile) that can be used with other simulation applications that are CAPE-OPEN compliant. Furthermore, third party thermodynamic packages can be used in ProPhyPlus.
Thermodynamic plug: provides the ability to generate “Property Packages” that can be used with CAPE-OPEN compliant applications
Thermodynamic socket: provides the ability to use a CAPE-OPEN “Property Package” generated by a third party application.
Calculation of physical properties of fluids and their mixtures
ProPhyPlus is an advanced and convenient standalone software dedicated to the calculation of thermophysical properties (thermodynamic and transport) of fluids and their mixtures, over a wide range of temperatures and pressures. It provides quick access to fluid phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of pure components and mixtures.
Thanks to its power and user friendliness, the analysis of single and multi-components mixtures thermodynamic behavior has never been so easy. Property calculation results and graphs can be obtained with only a few clicks and then further processed to have an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon involved. ProPhyPlus does not require any programming skills and quickly becomes an essential calculations tool for the engineer.
ProPhyPlus accurately models physical properties and phase equilibria for most fluids found in Chemical, Petrochemical, Refining, Oil and Gas and other process industries.
Hardware requirements
Intel (or equivalent) based PC with:
- Computer running Windows (7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11) or Windows Server (2012R2, 2016, 2019, 2022)
- x86 or x64 processor running at 1 Ghz minimum (or 2 vCPUs for a virtual machine)
- RAM: 4 GB minimum (plus 2 GB per concurrent user for a server)
- Storage: 4 GB minimum (plus user file storage)
- Microsoft Excel™ 32 bits or 64 bits.
- Internet access: only to download the software and the license.
Thermodynamic Features
ProPhyPlus provides users with a convenient and comprehensive environment that includes in particular:
- A property database for more than 2300 pure components based on AIChE’s DIPPR® database and enriched by ProSim’s thermodynamic experts. Furthermore, the latest release of AIChE’s DIPPR® database can be added (optional).
- The ability to estimate missing properties of pure components from experimental data or built-in methods.
- A binary interaction parameters database for required activity coefficient models. When missing, the parameters can be estimated from experimental data or group contribution methods.
- An extensive thermodynamic models library selected for its reliability and efficiency. Included mathematical algorithms can be applied to tackle highly non-ideal, two-liquid phase, electrolyte, and petroleum systems.
o Equations of state: Soave-Redlich-Kwong, Peng-Robinson, Lee-Kesler-Plöcker, Benedict Webb Rubbin Starling.
o Activity coefficients models: NRTL, UNIQUAC, UNIFAC.
o Combined approach models: MHV2, PSRK, NRTL-PR.
o Electrolytes: Edwards, UNIQUAC electrolytes, ULPDHS.
o Specific systems: Amines, Sour-Water, Pure Water.
REFPROP database link: NIST’s REFPROP reference database for the thermophysical properties of refrigerants can be used seamlessly with ProPhyPlus. The user takes full advantage from both the accuracy of REFPROP for these components and the user-friendliness of ProPhyPlus.
- Edition and calculations on pure component properties
- Selection of chemical compounds
- Thermodynamic editor
- Binaries automatic search
- Thermodynamic properties and calculations services
- Ternary diagram from a cyclohexane – water – ethanol mixture
Objectives and applications
ProPhyPlus allows you to calculate material properties and phase equilibria for single components or systems that include up to 2300 chemical substances.
Using ProPhyPlus, the engineer is able to perform:
- Accurate physical property predictions including transport properties (specific heat, viscosity…) and thermodynamic properties (enthalpy, compressibility factor…)
- Phase equilibria calculations with a wide variety of rigorous flashes available for liquid-vapor, liquid-liquid, liquid-liquid-vapor (bubble and dew temperatures, bubble and dew pressures, flash at given enthalpy…) or liquid-solid equilibrium (salt formation…).
- Generation of property tables and charts such as flash curves, phase envelope diagrams, TPxy diagrams, residue maps, and PT-envelopes.
- Prediction of missing pure component properties using predictive methods.
- Regression of pure component temperature dependent properties from experimental data.
- Prediction of binary interaction parameters in non-ideal mixtures, with group contribution methods to complement the parameters included in the standard BIP database.
- Management of “proprietary” databases with specific in-house or modified components.
- Fine tuning of standard property models and development of new methods by integrating custom equations.
Many other services: ternary diagram plots, petroleum cut properties generation, calculation of residue curve maps, PSF file generation. All graphics and result tables can be copied and pasted in MS-Office applications, to further use the results or illustrate reports.